Conventional zoning concerns itself with the uses of land – separating houses, stores, offices into their own individual pods. To foster lovely towns, zoning needs to focus on the appearance of buildings and how they relate to one another to create a pleasant environment for walking and bicycling.
This new zoning is called “form-based” zoning because it focuses on the form and appearance of buildings, rather than what goes on inside them.
As chairman of the Pottstown Planning Commission, Tom Hylton worked with his fellow citizens to rewrite Pottstown's land development, zoning, and historic preservation ordinances to preserve and enhance the town's unique character.
The illustrated, "user-friendly" ordinances were developed with the help of grants from the William Penn Foundation and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
They are designed to encourage property owners to renovate existing buildings; construct new ones compatible with the town's traditional architecture; provide ample landscaping; and create a pleasant environment for walking as well as driving.
Model Ordinances
The ordinances, below, can be downloaded as Adobe PDF files.
Pottstown Subdivision, Land Development, and Zoning Ordinances
Title page and table of contents
Preface and Community Development Objectives
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
Subdivision Appendix
Zoning Articles 1 - 3 (Purpose, Applications, Districts - pages 1-39)
Zoning Articles 4 - 6 (Conditional Uses, Accessory Uses, General Regulations, Parking - pages 40-63)
Zoning Article 7 (Signs - pages 64-83)
Zoning Articles 8 - 13 (Non-conformities, Zoning Hearing Board, Appeals, Enforcement, Amendments, Severability, Conflicts, Repealer - pages 84-95)
Zoning Appendix
Definitions for Zoning, Subdivision, and Land Development Ordinances
Pottstown Historic Districts Ordinance and Renovation Guidelines
Pottstown has two certified local government historic districts to protect the integrity of its historic architecture. Pottstown's Historic Architectural Review Board has adopted illustrated renovation guidelines to help property owners preserve and maintain their buildings. Pottstown also employs a historic renovation consultant to provide free advice and guidance to property owners on their renovation projects.
Historic District Ordinance
Historic District Ordinance Appendix
Renovation Guidelines
Part 1 (pages 1-10) Part 2 (pages 11-17)